Our Programs
Puppets in Classroom:
A series of 30 minute shows in a classroom setting, depicting life-skills (Sharing, positive-thinking, friendship, eating right, decision making, anger-management etc.) in a fun way with puppet characters, music and interactive performance.

Puppetry Workshop for the Young:
Teaching the young the art and craft of puppetry, developing a puppet character and unleashing creativity and imagination though puppetry.

Teachers' Training Program:
Helping teachers engage children better through puppetry. Imparting Early Childhood education with puppets and use of puppetry in classroom teaching.

Theatrical Performances:
Amalgamating various art forms with puppetry for theatre, containing larger themes and messages.

Television Work:
Working with fiction and non-fiction on video and television channels. Creating educational videos and series with puppets as characters.

Lets Play Puppets!

The Puppetarians have been working with reputable education and entertainment brands in India. They have trained teachers and artists and constantly strive to create meaningful puppet work for the young and the young at heart.
Shows & Workshops